Wednesday, July 28, 2010

SSRS - Using IIF Statement

IIF statement is pretty much easy if it is a straight forward single condition. If it is nested IIF statement (multiple conditions), it might some time takes a little time to understand and use it.
Ex: If there are 4 conditions to check then use only 3 IIF conditions.
This is an example of cell Background Color Expression in SSRS.

=IIF(Fields!DATA1.Value="Lite Turquoise" , "#CCFFFF", (IIF(Fields!DATA1.Value="Ivory","#FFFFCC",
(IIF(Fields!DATA1.Value="Plum" , "#993366", "#9999FF")) )))

Hope this article helps...
Thank you.

SSRS - Color Pallette codes

This pallette, shows the color names and they significant HTML color code/ BGColor.

Note: This above images taken from

Hope this article help you to use colors/color codes.
Thank you. :)